But we can also argue that if I have like 3 Khorne and 1 Tzeentch stack which include Undivided troops, I am not that undivided anymore. If WoC could now mark Lords/Heroes and field marked troops with them as well we can argue that the general race is still considered "Undivided" and should stick to that corruption. If WoC stay Undivided, Undivided corruption it is and thats the end of it.
#Total war warhammer norsca mechanics chaos corruption how to#
I am unsure how to deal with the campaign corruption. A Khorne marked generic Lord might give his Khorne Warriors just better buffs then the undivided parts of his army. And a lot of buff power for marked troops might not come from the generic research tree, but could be outsourced to the army leading Lords and Heroes who might have marks. But this of course depends what CAs plans will be regarding marks for WoC after all. While the marked troops need not to be buffed like they would be in the god rosters or with Daniels DoC, some buffs have to be there so that Undivided Chaos Warriors would not be extremely better when buffed at the end. If the WoC will get marked troops, Lords and heroes options after all, their techtree needs also a bunch of rework. This example has just to be adpated to make it a "Archaon only" option, which elevate sthe Everchosen from whomever else will might end up in a Undivided WoC roster. The greenskin techtree has two LLs to unlock for every greenskin. And that way, even if WoC would stay mostly Undivided, Archaon could get four marked options which might then be able to recruit marked stuff. That might take away 4 real LL options but there are plenty others. Personally in case of Archaon, I would like that his research skilltree (or his skilltree itself) would get the unlock options for his four "Storm of Chaos" Lieutnants (Styrkaar, Feytor, Melek & Haargroth). That however might also then outshine the Undivided WoC by a lot, which again is not ideal. Assuming that the god races will get DLC support, and assuming all those new troops also will be unlocked for Daniel, then Daniels "DoC race" will at one point include more mortals then daemons (which makes a already stupid situation way worse). And things could spiral out of hand depending on how the DoC will push forward. Which as a compromise is not bad, but also not good. I assume that the WoC might in the end rather stick to Undivided. With only Khorne Warriors on foot or only Tzeentch Knights on horses, we lack a lot of "marking diversity". Mark-options for troops and shifting them that way to visual changes and changes in equipment would also be nice, but I fail to see how that can be accomplished currently.
That is of course depending on CA actually hand down some mark-options for the WoC in general.
WoC Lord/Hero choices who might be able to get marked should shift to the appropriate mount choices a marked Lord/Hero should have. But Kholek for example is no Archaon, so why should Kholek easily recruit all mortals and all daemons? Same then for any future added Undivided WoC LL. He should command all and have reasonable means to recruit all. After all, he is the Everchosen, the great uniter. Or: If we desperately want to add daemons, make them very very rare choices for most WoC Lords. The WoC race should imo get marked mortal access from the god-rosters, but no Daemons. If that would be only Daemons, it would work ten times better with the "Daemons of Chas" label they gave that race. The DoC race itself with Daniel is a mix of all of that together. The god-rosters are mixed, but heavily in favor of DoC troops. The roster then also might need some rework or new focus. That would then still leave the "old guard" (Dechala, Arbaal, van Horstmann and Valnir) for example to be thrown into the gods roster instead. Best option here would be Sigvalds fellow armybook comrades: Festus, Valkia & Villitch. Either they move Sigvald away (which is a bit of a pickle since he is part of the old DLC) to Slaanesh or they should also add mortal marked LLs for the other gods. CA has to decide what to do with Sigvald, and the current roster. Its 6 years now, and that the Tzeentch Knights still look that way is just facepalm bad. That way you would also incorporate different playstyles and diversify the LLs in between the same race. In CAs shoes, I would probably look which WoC char would feel more like settling down, and which one just leads a crusade to burn everything down.
But, for some Lords hell bend on destruction like Archaon with his invasion, the herdstone solution might be more appropriate. Since they have now settlements in game#3, just going settlements might be easier.
Like erecting a raiding camp for the dark gods or something that prevents easy resettlement in surrounding provinces.
they should get a mechanic similar to the Beastmen Herdstones. Hence preventing the "Whack-a-mole" situation from game#1+2 or
Either they should be able to settle in settlements.